Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Waiting Game

I was really tempted to take a Home Pregnancy Test (HPT) today. In fact I woke up my husband asks where I am going, and I tell him. Get to the bathroom and took the test and it was positive - the only thing - I was dreaming. So I actually wake up, get the test out, but got too chicken to take it.

There are some days I feel really pregnant, other days I feel my period should be here any day soon. Ohhhhhhhhhhh my goodness, some days I am confident other days I am close to tears. My heart is really struggling. I should believe God, but I have so many questions. Why should I have to go through this when He can do it in the first place all by Himself.

What is interesting is that no matter the outcome I am going no where. I will still struggle to build up my faith. Well I week from today I will find out if I will build up my faith full of joy, or full of tears.

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