Saturday, August 05, 2006

Ordinary vs. Extraordinary

I came across this question on a blog that I read: "How does your life feel ordinary and how can it be truly extraordinary?". The question was open to the blog readers and a lady gave this very interesting, yet simple answer.

"Life is made up of ordinary days" is a favorite quote of mine. I can still remember my first moment of "ordinary days". It was soon after coming home from my honeymoon. The year before had been full of meeting my husband, being wooed, getting engaged, and planning a wedding. And an extraordinary day...all eyes were on us. Then, we were just another couple, learning, growing, going to work, and paying bills. Days, months, and a year went by, and then a new adventure: I was a mother to be. Well, the baby arrived, the grandparents glowed, the gifts arrived, and then Dad and grandma went back to work and I began a new set of "ordinary days".
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