Monday, October 09, 2006

Life in the Spirit

My devotional a couple of days ago lead me to the famous John 3 and this time the scripture that caught my attention was John 3: 5-6 and it reads; Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.

Being pregnant gave me a new revelation on this scripture; No one wakes up in the morning and says "today I want to be a Christian" out of our own free will, usually one comes under conviction of their sin and realize their need for Jesus and then give their lives to Jesus. From conviction to salvation it is the work of the spirit, it is a revelation. He leads us and if we respond to him a new Christian is born. It almost works that way with a little baby; it is through the act of husband and wife that a child is conceived. And just as an 8 week old baby cannot survive outside of the mother, so it is with a new born Christian.

We cannot get saved on our own hence we cannot stay saved without the tender nurturing care of the Holy Spirit. Just as a child needs his mama, so do we need the Holy Spirit. We need Him to feed us the word, we need Him to hug us with His presence everyday, and we need Him to remind us of the love of God, to guide us through this maze of life. And unlike a child who out grows total dependence on a mother, we can never outgrow our need for the daily guidance of the Holy Spirit.

It is a comfort to know that everyday of my life He will the right there with me, nurturing me, guiding me, protecting me and loving on me. No one else can be that for us, not even our mothers. Hence the scripture refers to the Holy Spirit and Living Water, we need Him to survive.

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