Thursday, October 05, 2006

Do you have a Yesterday?

Do you have a yesterday that can heal someone's today? Have you gone through a rough patch and feel you have learned nothing from it? Well it has been my experience that the hard things I go through, my trials and tribulations later become a testimony and encouragement for someone else.

The bible teaches us that God always uses the bad things/experiences in our lives to teach and heal us. But what is even more beautiful and amazing is that in time the rough patch you come out of will later act as encouragement to someone else.

The question then arises, why do we have to go through rough patches, why do we have to experience losses. While there may be numerous theories the bible teaches that we live in a fallen world where we have our free will. If I choose to wake up tomorrow and not get out of bed and not do a thing, I can do it God does not control what I do. It is the same for all of us including murders, God does not control our actions hence the reactions are our responsibility.
Sometime I wonder why God gave us free will, but I guess it is the beauty of a relationship with him, He wants us to choose Him and His ways, forced love can never be true love.There are somethings we bring upon ourselves, and there are other things we don't like a miscarriage or the like. We live in a world where evil prevails, somethings we will never understand this side of heaven, that is a given.

But rough patches don't last forever and eventually the tears I cry today will become the pool of my life experiences. I can choose to be bitter and not learn from my bad experiences, but on the other hand I can let God help me let go of the pain and hurt and reach out to someone else in pain and use my painful yesterday to bring encouragement and hope to someone's bad, rough today.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank "S'" for checking in on me and encouraging me. It truly has blessed me. I am now 9weeks 2days slow and steady, but we are surely moving forward.

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